Beans Curd Stick and Mix Vegetables
>2 slices of beans curd stick
>3 pieces of black fungus
>1 piece of celery
>some wolfberry
>some parsley
>3g salt, 2g vinegar, 2g soy sauce, 1 slice of garlic, 1 tablespoon of sugar
First, wash all kinds of materials which will be used.
Next, put the beans curd stick and black fungus into water until they are becoming soft.
After that, keep the beans curd stick and black fungus away from the water, getting dry.
Then, cut celery, beans curd stick and black fungus into small pieces, boil them for about 2 minutes and get dry. Wolfberries must be put into water and let them become soft. Parsley and garlic should be cut into small pieces.
Next, mix all kinds of materials which have been dealt with before together with salt, vinegar, soy sauce and sugar.
At last, you can enjoy the delicious dish with satisfaction.